
송미령 교수

  1994-1998 서울시립대학교 생명과학과, 이학사

  1998-2000 서울대학교 분자생물학과, 이학석사

  2003-2007 전남대학교 의과대학, 의학박사

  • 경력

    2007. 10 - 2011. 11 University of Colorado Denver, School of Medicine, Postdoctoral Fellow

    2011. 12 - 2017. 5 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Associate

    2017. 6 - 2018. 8 The Institute for Biomedical Science (IBS), Chonnam National University Hwasun Hospital; Chonnam National

  •                    University Medical School, 연구교수

    2018 현재 한국미생물생명공학회 간사


Research Interests


    - 감염시 세균과 숙주와의 상호작용 현상 및 기작 규명

    - 마이크로바이오타와 감염 세균 그리고 숙주 간의 상호작용 및 그 기작 규명

    - 엔지니어링을 통한 난치성 질환에 대한 치료용 세균의 개발

    - 다기능을 수행할 수 있는 새로운 엔지니어드 산업 미생물 개발
  • 최근 논문

    1. Lim D, Kim KS, Jeong JH, Marques O, Kim HJ, Song M et. al., The hepcidin-ferroportin axis controls the iron content of Salmonella-containing vacuoles in macrophages, Nat Commun, 9:2091 (2018)

    2. Song M et. al., Control of type III protein secretion using a minimal genetic system, Nat Commun, 8:14737 (2017)

    3. Fernandez-Rodriguez J*, Felix M*, Song M, Voigt CA, Engineering RBG color vision into Escherichia coli, Nat Chem Biol, 13:706-708 (2017) *co-author

    4. Song M et. al., Antioxidant defense by thioredoxin can occur independently of canonical thiol-disulfide oxidoreductase enzymatic activity, Cell Rep, 14:2901-11 (2016)

    5. Husain M, Jones-Carson J, Liu L, Song M et. al., Ferric uptake regulator-dependent antinitrosative defenses in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium pathogenesis, Infect Immun, 82:333-40 (2014)

    6. Song M et. al., Low-molecular-weight thiol-dependent antioxidant and antinitrosative defences in Salmonella pathogenesis, Mol Microbiol, 87: 609-22 (2013)

    7. Henard CA, Bourret TJ, Song M, Vázquez-Torres A, Control of redox balance by the stringent response regulatory protein promotes antioxidant defenses of Salmonella, J Biol Chem, 285: 36785-93 (2010)

    8. Husain M*, Jones-Carson J*, Song M et. al., Redox sensor SsrB Cys203 enhances Salmonella fitness against nitric oxide generated in the host immune response to oral infection, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 107: 14396-401 (2010)  *co-author

    9. Song M et. al., ppGpp-mediated stationary phase induction of the genes encoded by horizontally acquired pathogenicity islands and cob/pdu locus in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium, J Microbiol, 48: 89-95 (2010)

    10. Bourret TJ, Song M, Vázquez-Torres A, Codependent and independent effects of nitric oxide-mediated suppression of PhoPQ and Salmonella pathogenicity island 2 on intracellular Salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium survival, Infect Immun, 77: 5107-15 (2009)

    11. Jeong JH, Song M et. al., Salmonella enterica serovar gallinarum requires ppGpp for internalization and survival in animal cells, J Bacteriol, 190: 6340-50 (2008)

    12. Rhee HW, Lee CR, Cho SH, Song MR et. al., Selective fluorescent chemosensor for the bacterial alarmone (p)ppGpp, J Am Chem Soc, 130: 784-5 (2008)

    13. Park KH, Song M, Choy HE, Initial characterization of yliH in Salmonella typhimurium, J Microbiol, 45: 558-65 (2007)

    14. Shin M, Song M et. al., DNA looping-mediated repression by histone-like protein H-NS: specific requirement of Esigma70 as a cofactor for looping, Genes Dev, 19: 2388-98 (2005)

    15. Song M et. al., ppGpp-dependent stationary phase induction of genes on Salmonella pathogenicity island 1, J Biol Chem, 279: 34183-90 (2004)
