글번호 : 156712748

작성일 : 21.07.20 | 조회수 : 508

제목 : 제목 : 2021-2 International Public Law / Introduction to Polar Studies / International Public Law Score Ratio Notice 글쓴이 : 국제학부
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

International Public Law
Introduction to Polar Studies
International Public Law 


1. Score Ratio : Midterm Exam 30%, Final Exam 30%, Assignments 30%, Attendance 10%


2. Attendance : Each lecture is recognized as 'attendance' only when the attendance rate reaches 100%. Attendance rates below 99%, which are less than 100%, are treated as "lateness." Two lates are assessed as one absence. Abseces above 4 times are treated as F undonditionally. Attendance shall be 10 points, and absence shall be reduced by 2 points. Being late once(which are less than 100% attendence rates) is a point off. The final attendance points of 2 is automatically rated F regardless of the score of other parts.


3. Exam : The mid-term and final exams shall be full of 30 points each, and different scores may be assigned depending on the questions. Test type is usually in parentheses or multiple choice. In the case of parentheses, only the words in parentheses shall be recognized as correct, and if words or characters are included outside parentheses, they shall be treated as incorrect. In the case of multiple choice, requires one or two answers, and if tow answers are required, all answers must be correct to be treated as correct answers.


4. Assignments : Students create their own titles with given topics and write essays in more than 5000 words. The topic will be given during the class. Submission of assignments is only through "e-class", and over-due or e-mailing is not accepted. If you reach less than 5000 words, you will be greatly deducted. Each element is given a deduction of 2 to 5 points. It is subject to a very large reduction in the case of plagiarism. A similarity test of 25% or more is subject to a very large deduction. If similarity test rate goes over 40% or the content is similar to other students' assignments, all applicable students are treated as F.

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