글번호 : 150600411

작성일 : 21.03.18 | 조회수 : 409

제목 : [일본학대학-공지] 간사이대학 IIGE 온라인과정 제공 글쓴이 : 일본언어문화학부
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

안녕하세요. 일본언어문화학부장실 입니다.

간사이 IIGE(Institute for Innovative Global Education)에서 온라인 과정을 제공하고 있습니다.

관심있는 학우 여러분들께서는 아래 사항을 읽어보시고

3월 26() 16:00까지 일본언어문화학부장실로 신청해주시길 바랍니다.


※간사이 IIGE 온라인 과정은 개별신청이 불가하고 학부 단위로 신청을 하기 때문에

반드시 프로그램 마지막까지 참가할 수 있는 학생만 신청해주시길 바랍니다.



March 16, 2021 -  Announcing KU-EOL Spring 2021 

Kansai University/IIGE is pleased to announce the second iteration of the Kansai University Engaged/Exchange Online Learning “KU-EOL” Program Spring 2021, for your students to take part from May 20 - July 21, 2021

The call for applications is now open, with a deadline of April 11, 2021.


Program Overview - What is KU-EOL?

Given the challenging time for study mobility, IIGE has responded rapidly by scaling up online-based international education:

The Kansai University Engaged/Exchange Online Learning "KU-EOL" Program was first offered in the Fall 2020 semester as an innovative IaH (Internationalization at Home) solution during the midst of the global coronavirus pandemic. 

In the interim of waiting to host incoming international students on exchange bases on campus, IIGE provided these prospective students with virtual classroom opportunities, establishing a multilateral exchange learning program together with our valued overseas partner universities.

While not necessarily a reflection of the future of higher education, the current state of hybrid virtual education should serve to inform the development of a more blended and flexible curriculum for 21st-century international education.  

*Please note: KU-EOL is NOT an exchange study abroad program. 


Program Details

Program Cost

There are no application or participation fees for this program.*

*Please refer to the section on “Eligibility” for further details.


Program Dates 

May 20, 2021 - July 21, 2021


Registration Deadline

April 11, 2021, 11:59 PM (Japan Standard Time)


Offered Courses

Unless otherwise indicated, the language of instruction is English.*


Information and Communication Technologies 

Business for SDGs  

Japanese Popular Culture (Post-war Japanese Culture) 

Field-Based Learning (Society and Workplace Culture in Japan) 

Global Sociology (Instructor: Don Bysouth, Ph.D.)

Methods of Comparative Analysis (ENG and JPN Communication)

Contemporary Gender Studies 

Critical Thinking for Social and Global Issues 

Research Methods for Social Sciences 

Japanese History (the History and culture of Medieval Japan) 

Communication in Japanese Society (JPN Corporate Culture) -- Japanese language only (JLPT N2 proficiency or above required)

Communication in Japanese Society ( Business Japanese ) -- Japanese language only (JLPT N2 proficiency or above required)


Course Registration

Students may apply to up to four courses in order of preference. However, they may only enroll in a maximum of 2 courses. Final registration will be determined by lottery.

*Seat limit: maximum 15 per course 


Language Requirements 

English: CEFR B2+ equivalency recommended 

Japanese*: JLPT N2+ equivalency

기타 자세한 사항은 https://supportiige.wixsite.com/ku-eol를 참고하시고

기타 궁금한 사항은 일본언어문화학부장실(hufsjp@hufs.ac.jp / 02-2173-2297)로 연락 바랍니다.



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