글번호 : 33020334

작성일 : 13.12.20 | 조회수 : 624

제목 : [세계경제연구원] Invitation to Breakfast Seminar 글쓴이 : 영어대학
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.


Invitation to Breakfast Seminar:

Swiss Economic Success and Implications for Korea



The Embassy of Switzerland in Seoul together with the Institute for Global Economics (IGE), Federation of Korean Industries and the Swiss-Korea Business Council have invited a Swiss author and entrepreneur to share his nation's economic success and possible implications for Korea.
We have the opportunity to learn more about the economic success of Switzerland from R. James Breiding, a Swiss-American who just published a book which explored the subject. The son of a Swiss immigrant to the United States, Breiding traced his father’s steps back to Switzerland in 1984 to attend IMD Lausanne and later founded the Zurich investment firm Naissance Capital. He honed his writing skills publishing articles on Swiss topics for The Economist magazine. He was awarded a fellowship from Harvard’s Center for International Development for his research on the Swiss economy.
This breakfast-presentation will take place on January 14, 2014, from 7 to 9 AM at the Grand Hyatt (Regency Salon).
The seminar will be proceeded in a round table discussion fashion to make it more interactive.
관심있는 학우분들은 영어대 이메일(engcollege@hufs.ac.kr)로 1/9(목)까지

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