글번호 : 45714496

작성일 : 14.10.13 | 조회수 : 617

제목 : [주한미국대사관 초청장] UN Day 기념 행사 글쓴이 : 영어대학
첨부파일 첨부파일: Flyer-UN Day 2014.pdf
오는 10 24(오후 3시부터 4:30 분까지 ‘유엔(UN) 의미를 살펴보고 미국과 UN 국제사회 문제 협력관계에 대하여 토론하는 특별강연 행사가 진행될 예정입니다관심있는 한국 대학생과 대학원생분들의 적극적인 참여를 부탁드립니다.  

참가신청참가비는 무료이며  신청은 오시는 분의 성함/학교/학과/이메일/연락처를 1023일까지 아래 등록링크로 신청해주시면 됩니다. (선착순 접수)


참가신청 등록링크여기를 클릭 (http://goo.gl/forms/OEPiZWeuaC)



원할한 행사 진행을 위해 당일 오후 2 40분까지 남영동 소재 주한미국대사관 아메리칸센터 (ACK) 도착을 부탁합니다 (약도 링크 참조)

프로그램 문의: tel. 397-4789, AmericanCenterKorea@state.gov


<Program Schedule>


2:40 p.m.         Students arrive and register at the American Center Korea.


3:00-3:05         Opening & Welcoming Remarks


3:05-4:00         Keynote Presentation about “The UN Day and U.S.- UN Cooperation for Global Affairs (TBC)” 
                        by Amanjit (Sona) Ramesh, Consular Officer, U.S. Embassy Seoul


4:00-4:15         Presentation about “My U.S. Embassy Internship” by ACK Intern


4:15-4:30         American Center Korea’s Briefing on Embassy websites and resources


4:30                 Program Ends with Group Photo (light refreshments will be served.)


American Center Korea

U.S. Embassy Seoul

Tel: +82-2  397-4789/4649

Fax: +82-2 795-3606

E-mail: AmericanCenterKorea@state.gov

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