글번호 : 10237337

작성일 : 11.11.18 | 조회수 : 1967

제목 : Want to learn Turkish @HUFS? 글쓴이 : international
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

Turkish Courses with the Cooperation of Hankuk University of Foreign Studies and Ankara University

TÖMER, the leading language center of Turkey, has started offering Turkish Courses at HUFS Seoul Center Campus in accordance with the academic cooperation agreement signed between Ankara University (AU) and Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS). (please visit www.tomer.ankara.edu.tr/english/ for more information about TÖMER).

The main purpose of these Turkish courses is to primarily enable students who study at HUFS Department of Turcology to learn Turkish, along with everybody who demands to attend the courses.

Courses are given by the lecturers assigned by TÖMER at HUFS, and New HİTİT Turkish Sets for Foreigners developed by TÖMER based on the criteria by the Common European Framework and other supplementary course materials are used within the courses. These HİTİT Turkish Sets for Foreigners, grammar and thematic patterns of which have been formed in accordance with the European Language Portfolio Descriptors, are implemented for adult learners within the framework of communicative methods and techniques. Moreover, the content of the course aims to improve four main language skills (listening, reading, speaking and writing) at the same time.

Those who attend the courses are given DIALECTURE (Distance Foreign Language Learning Portal) and UTÖM (Distance Turkish Teaching Center) membership free of charge throughout their studentship. (please visit www.dialecture.com and www.distance-turkish.com for more information about these language learning portals).

Course program consists of 48 hours of lessons, 6 hours each week (daytime and evening courses, on weekdays and / or weekends), while each course lasts 2 months. When there is demand for a special group, provided that there are at least 6 students who have the same level, students are provided an intensive course which consists of 40 hours of lessons per month, 10 hours a week.     

Course participants are offered each level skills (A1, A2, B2, C1) described by the European Language Portfolio in the form of 2 sub-courses (for eg: A1.1, A.1.2 courses for A1 level) and each main level is completed in 4 months with regular courses, in 2 months with intensive courses. B1 level consists of 4 sub-courses (B1.1, B1.2, B1.3 & B1.4) and is completed in 8 months with regular courses, in 4 months with intensive courses. (please visit www.coe.int/t/dg4/education/elp/ for more information about the European Language Portfolio). 

Course participants are given paper-based examinations at the end of the sub-courses they attend (A1.1, A2.1, B1.1, B1.2, B1.3, B2.1, C1.1) to pass for the next level and likewise, for the courses (A1.2, B1.4, B2.2, C1.4) which give the equivalence of main skill levels described in the European Language Portfolio, participants have the chance to take the internet-based test - UTS (Distance Turkish Test) free of charge which gives the accreditation of the European Language Portfolio. (please visit www.tomer.ankara.edu.tr/uts for more information about UTS).

Course participants who will attend Turkish courses held at Hankuk University will be given discounts in the Turkish summer courses conducted by TÖMER between June and September. Those participants will not only have the chance to visit important historical and touristic places in Turkey but also improve their speaking skills within the social and cultural activities.

Course Fees

48-hour Regular Courses       : 240.000  KRW

80-hour Intensive Courses*   : 400.000  KRW

For Students from Other Universities (with 20% discount):

48-hour Regular Courses       : 190.000  KRW

80-hour Intensive Courses*   : 320.000  KRW

Course Schedule

On Weekdays:

Mon – Wed – Fri        18.30-20.30

Tue- Fri                        18.30-21.30

At Weekend:

Sat – Sun                :       09.00-12-00 / 13.00-16.00 /17.00-20.00

Course Term

Weekend Courses  :      17.12.2011 - 05.02.2012

Weekday Courses  :      19.12.2011 – 10.02.2011

*Intensive Courses will be offered according to group applications (provided that there are at least 6 students in one group with the same level)

You can call between 09:00 – 17:00 or e-mail to get information about the courses or to do registration until 09:12.2011.

Phone: 02.2173.2647

Fax: 02.2173.3563

e-mail:  tomer@hufs.ac.kr

Address: HUFS, 130-791, Seoul,  Dongdaemun-gu Imundong KOREA

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