글번호 : 40971

작성일 : 10.05.24 | 조회수 : 1757

제목 : Recommended Candidates for 2010 DUO Korea 글쓴이 : CIS
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.
Dear Exchange students,

Thank you for your application to the 2010 DUO Korea Fellowship.
Below are the students we recommend as candidates for the scholarship.

The final announcement will be schedule to be in the late June and DUO Korea will contact each winner individually via email. We hope all of you can successfully win this award.

University European Student Korean Student
Sodertorns Hogskola
Foss Angelina
Fromin Daniel
Kong Hee Jin
Kim Sang Hoon
Stockholm University
Dil Per Oh Sei Eun
Lumiere University Lyon 2
INALCO PATTE  Leopoldine KIL Seokyeong

International Office

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