글번호 : 40983

작성일 : 10.10.19 | 조회수 : 1987

제목 : HUFS Admission application for 2010 KGSS_Undergrad 글쓴이 : CIS
첨부파일 첨부파일: 2010정부초청학부장학생본교입학원서.hwp

Dear 2010 GKS Undergraduate Scholars,

We wholeheartedly welcome scholars who were selected in the "2010 Korean Government Scholarship Program for Undergraduate Students." 

As you may know, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS) has strived since its inception way back in 1954 to offer top-notch, sophisticated education in an increasing variety of foreign languages. Along with its teaching of numerous foreign studies in the humanities, social sciences, business, and law, HUFS is progressing with leaps and bounds to win acclaim as a university with prestige on the global stage.

I wish you will be able to enjoy quality educational programs offered by HUFS and broaden your academic horizons as a part of HUFS community!!

Below in the information regarding our admission procedures!

1) Application download: Click the file name attached here to download

2) Application period: Nov 29 - Dec 14, 2010

3) Announcement of admitted students: Jan 24, 2011

4) Application Fee: None

5) Documents Required
   - An application form, a letter of self-introduction and study plan
   - A Certificate of Korean Government Scholarship Student
   - Copies of graduation certificates or diplomas and official transcripts of high school attended
   - A copy of the applicant's and parents' passports or identification cards (or other official documents which specify their nationality
    - A copy of the applicant's "Alien Registration Card" (for international applicants currently residing in Korea)
    - A copy of the Certificate of TOPIK score, if available or Certificate of current enrollment for the Korean language course

 6) Mailing Address & Contact
     - Address
       Global One-Stop Service Center, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
       270, Imun-Dong, Dongdaemun-Gu, Seoul, Korea 130-791
     - Telephone: 02-2173-2065
     - Email:
     - Website: http://international.hufs.ac.kr, http://www.facebook.com/hufskorea

We are really looking forward to working with you very soon,

Office of International Affairs

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