글번호 : 41075

작성일 : 10.09.29 | 조회수 : 1532

제목 : 2010 Fall Medical Exam for all Dorm residents 글쓴이 : CIS
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

Dear international students!!

Now, the ratio of foreign students living in GlobeeDorm is over 46% and most of the Freshmen and foreign students have not taken medical examination. With regard to prevent the spread of germs and any other accident or trouble, starting this semester, medical examination will be carried out. If you are living in our on-campus dorm, you are mandatorily required to take this exam!!!

Please note that 2010 New Korean Government scholarship students (Graduate) do not need to take this exam since a different health examination is scheduled to take place on October 6 at the HUFS Faculty Building!!

Check list 




Hepatitis type B

antigen examination



liver function examination



blood sugar examination



antibody examination






1. Time : 2010. 10. 4(Mon) - 10. 5(Tue) 09:00 ~ 16:00

2. Place : GlobeeDorm 1st floor, Seminar room in front of Family Mart.

3. Target : All Students living in GlobeeDorm(except for those who already turned in their Medical examination document within 6months)

4. Price : 20,000 won (Must be paid individually)

5. Test organization : SamYook Medical Center


Cooperation requirements : Those who don't take the examination or not turn in the document, will be leaving the room.



GlobeeDorm Management Office


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