글번호 : 159858767

작성일 : 22.01.21 | 조회수 : 2534

제목 : Toyo University 온라인 무료 일본어 강좌 안내 글쓴이 : 국제교류팀
첨부파일 첨부파일: Flyer English.pdf 2022春ビジネス日本語ポイント講座チラシ_日.pdf

Free online   "2022 Spring Toyo University Business Japanese Special Course "
For an application, visit TOYO Japanese Language Program

Toyo University will hold a free online "Spring Business Japanese Special Course" , inviting experts from various fields, from Feb 7th to Feb 17th.
We welcome the students studying Japanese at universities in Japan and overseas, the foreigners working at Japanese companies, and those who are studying business Japanese in overseas countries/regions as long as they have Japanese ability equivalent to JLPT N2. They can choose to attend only one course or multiple courses.
We are looking forward to your application and sharing.

▶︎Fee : Free(some courses may require additional fees)
▶︎Application deadline: February 2nd (Wednesday)
▶︎Capacity:  1,000 participants per lecture (first-come-first-served basis)
▶︎Course application:
Please click here to start your registration.
TOYO Japanese Language Program https://toyo-jlp.com

▶︎Format: Online, organized over Webex
  In this course, you will learn about the Japanese language, cultural knowledge, manners, skills, etc. that are required in business situations. This is a valuable opportunity to learn from experts in each field about carefully selected topics. It also includes exam preparation for the "BJT Business Japanese Proficiency Test" (Japan Kanji Aptitude Testing Foundation), which will be a great help in job hunting for international students. If you plan to take the BJT exam, this course will be of great use to you. You can freely choose a lecture you are interested in from all 20 lectures. Do not miss this opportunity to deepen your understanding of business Japanese and culture and use it for your future career development.
・All courses will be conducted in Japanese only.
  ・You can get the details about the course schedule, course outline, and lecturer introduction from the poster.

Thank you very much for your cooperation in advance.
We look forward to receiving applications from your students!

Kazuya Sawamoto

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