글번호 : 116866726

작성일 : 19.01.28 | 조회수 : 1498

제목 : 제12회 한미학생회의(KASC) 프로그램 신청 안내 글쓴이 : 국제교류팀
첨부파일 첨부파일: 제12회 한미학생회 (KASC) Long Poster.pdf 제12회 한미학생회의(KASC) 포스터.pdf 제12회 한미학생회의(KASC)카드뉴스.pdf

제 12회 한미학생회의 참가자 모집 KASC 12th Conference


1. 참여기간 : 2019. 7. 11 ~ 8. 1

2. 선발기간 : ~ 2019. 2. 28

3. 지원방법 : 붙임문서 참조

4. 관련정보 : SNS 및 블로그 확인

- Facebook : facebook.com/12thkasc

- Blog : blog.naver.com/koreaamerica

- 신청페이지: http://iscdc.org/kasc/2019/


The 12th annual KASC will be held in the United States and South Korea from July 9 - August 1, 2019. The theme of this upcoming conference is “Harmony in Complexity: Individual Voices in Diverse Global Dialogue”.

A delegation of 24 students will be competitively selected to represent the United States of America and the Republic of Korea in the 12th KASC. All delegates will be moving from South Korea to the United States in the spirit of keeping with the two-country model that facilitates cultural and academic exchange.

In South Korea, delegates will travel to Incheon for an academic experience and Seoul for a weekend cultural excursion. In the United States portion of the conference, they will travel to Los Angeles, California. Over the course of three full weeks, delegates will have the unique opportunity to engage in academic, cultural, and professional exchange in both countries. They will participate in lectures, seminars, roundtable discussions, networking events, and cultural activities alongside their peers.

Throughout the conference, delegates are to discuss, explore, and collaborate on several pressing bilateral and global topics with specific relevance to both the US and ROK. Delegates will then present their joint solutions to a panel of experts and the general public at the conclusion of the conference.

KASC seeks to achieve a diverse delegation, and all majors and academic levels are welcome to apply. The official language of the conference is English. No prior experience with Korean Studies or Korean language is necessary. 


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