글번호 : 122045508

작성일 : 19.05.27 | 조회수 : 1216

제목 : [보이지주립대학교] Global Scholars Academy 안내 글쓴이 : 국제교류팀
첨부파일 첨부파일: GSA.png

Boise State is pleased to announce a new program called "Global Scholars Academy." The program targets international faculty, staff and researchers who wish to advance their scholarship with an experience with a U.S. This is a great opportunity for the scholars at your institution who wish to connect with a Boise State faculty as mentors in their area of expertise for a one or two semesters. During the time at Boise State, the international scholar will receive:


Portfolio of the Academy work
Faculty mentor
Letter of recommendation from faculty mentor
Certificate of Academy Completion
Four lectures or workshops on professional development or academic skills
Boise State ID card, library access
Work space 

In addition, the program structures social activities, which include among others things cultural visits, sports, social dinners and outdoor activities (We are in Idaho!).

You can find more information in the following link: https://globaleducation.boisestate.edu/international-scholars-faculty/gsa/ or email Coordinator for International Scholars Emily Manny (emilymanny@boisestate.edu). Please find attached flyer for easy distribution.

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