글번호 : 36511050

작성일 : 14.03.10 | 조회수 : 1488

제목 : 5th University Scholars Leadership Symposium 2014 in Phnom Penh - Camb 글쓴이 : 국제교류팀
첨부파일 첨부파일: Phnom Penh Symposium 2014.pdf USLS Program 2014.pdf Delegate Application 2014.doc

5University Scholars Leadership Symposium 참가 안내


아래 내용을 확인 후 관심 있는 학생은 첨부파일을 참고하여 지원하기 바랍니다.


문의처: Janice Leong (Tel : +66-38-235-038/ )

           (Regional Director, Humanitarian Affairs Asia)





Humanitarian Affairs, UK, in partnership with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, Cambodia, invites Promising Students of Leading Universities to the 5th University Scholars Leadership Symposium to be held in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, from August 1 to 7, 2014.


The theme for this year’s Symposium is; “Dream It. Plan It. Do It”. The “Leadership in Social Change Symposium” is specially designed to provide the next generation of leaders with an understanding of key humanitarian issues; to equip them with essential life skills; to inspire them through motivational talks, to involve them in sustainable activities and to allow them to learn through experiential service programs.


The Phnom Penh Symposium 2014 will include training sessions on leadership and communication, project management and implementation. Three CNN Heroes of the Year : Chad Pregracke (CNN Hero of the Year, 2013), Pushpa Basnet (CNN Hero of the Year, 2012), Robin Lim (CNN Hero of the Year, 2011), will share their experiences with the 1,000 delegates. Others professional motivational trainers will inspire the delegates to take concrete action over their lives.


Humanitarian Affairs believes in the holistic development of global-minded and forward thinking leaders. This symposium would certainly be a great learning opportunity for those who Aspire to be the Best, not only in terms of personal and professional development, but more importantly, in nurturing social responsibility and action.


You may want to watch the video documentation of the 2013 Symposium at : Manila Symposium 2013. If you would like to know more about this event, you may access the Symposium’s official website : www.universityscholars.org.uk or simply write to us at secretariat@humanitarianaffairs.asia.This is a life-changing experience not to be missed !


Blessed Be,


Janice Leong

Regional Director

Humanitarian Affairs Asia

28/43-44 Moo.2 Najomtien

Chonburi, Thailand

Cell : +66-85-2323-234

Tel : +66-38-235-038

Fax : +66-38-235-037

Web : www.humanitarianaffairs.org




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