글번호 : 156607848

작성일 : 21.06.25 | 조회수 : 569

제목 : [주한미국대사관] 영어교육 온라인 워크샵 안내(7월 2일, 3일) 글쓴이 : TESOL대학원
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

[주한미국대사관] 영어교육 온라인 워크샵 안내(7월 2일, 3일)

1학기 마무리를 앞두고 아래와 같이 영어교육 워크샵  세션을 마련하였습니다. 코로나 이후 온라인 강연이 활발해지고 시간적공간적 제약이 적어지면서, 이번  워크샵에는 특별히 해외 소재 대학의 연사 분들을 모셨습니다. 관심 있으신 분들의 많은 참여 바랍니다.





Enacting Responsive English Language Teaching in an Ever-Changing World  


2021 7 2(오후 7:00-8:30


Raichle Farrelly (Department of Linguistics, University of Colorado Boulder, U.S.)


This session engages teachers in exploring educational trends in English language learning in light of all we’ve learned while teaching during the pandemic. Learning English has always been influenced by the desire to expand global ties and increase intercultural communicative competence. Building on recent advances in online teaching tools and strategies, we’ll consider how to elevate opportunities for virtual exchanges and project-based learning between groups of students in different parts of the world. Responding to demands of globalization, teachers and learners have had to expand their notions of literacy beyond reading and writing to include media, digital and critical literacies. This session will also explore opportunities for classroom learning that cultivate these extended literacy practices through collaborative research projects on themes that students and teachers care about. Teachers will be invited to consider how to best engage curious learners who wish to impact change in their world. Strategies will be shared for developing students’ communication skills to convey information to a global audience through multiple modalities, such as video, podcasts, and social media. Together we’ll participate in a community of practice, each with valuable insights to share about how we moved from surviving to thriving as teachers in unprecedented times.

참가 방법

2021 Joint International Conference(http://jointconf2021.com/접속(회원가입 권장) → 상단 메뉴의 ‘Conference Room’ 클릭 → 하단의 ‘Teacher Workshop – Day 2: Special Evening Session by U.S. Embassy in Korea’ 클릭 → Zoom 회의실로 자동 접속

기타 사항

별도의 사전 등록은 없습니다. Zoom 회의실 접속 이름을 영문 성함으로 변경해주세요.




Where are You R2D2?: Addressing Diverse Online Learner Needs with the Read, Reflect, Display, and Do Model 


2021 7 3(오전 9:30 – 10:30


Curtis J. Bonk (Department of Instructional Systems Technology, Indiana University, U.S.)


English language instructors (and all instructors for that matter) around the world are frustrated trying to keep up with the never ending parade of new learning technologies. So many choices! And the COVID-19 pandemic added to the complications. Few language learning instructors were trained on how to develop highly interactive and collaborative online activities and environments, and they are told that students will quickly complain about their classes if they do not address their learning preferences or appropriately use the technologies that they have access to outside of school. Time to pull the hair out? Not yet. In this talk, Professor Bonk will share an innovative model called Read, Reflect, Display, and Do (R2D2), and detail dozens of language learning examples and many other creative ideas to use R2D2 make your use of technology more engaging, empowering, and exciting. This includes a new type of learning apprenticeship, using pedagogical innovations that extend the classroom to the world community and where instructors and peers come from different institutions and organizations. Perhaps it is time for you to taken an adventure to a new learning galaxy where you find R2D2 and begin using technology to address the diverse learners you find there. 

참가 방법

2021 Joint International Conference(http://jointconf2021.com/접속(회원가입 권장) → 상단 메뉴의 ‘Conference Room’ 클릭 → 하단의 ‘Teacher Workshop – Day 3: Special Morning Session by Curtis J. Bonk 클릭 → Zoom 회의실로 자동 접속

기타 사항

별도의 사전 등록은 없습니다. Zoom 회의실 접속 이름을 영문 성함으로 변경해주세요.


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