글번호 : 106348843

작성일 : 18.05.10 | 조회수 : 461

제목 : [테솔전문교육원] 2018-1 특강안내 글쓴이 : TESOL대학원
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

2018-1 TESOL전문교육원 특강 안내


TESOL전문교육원에서는 아래와 같이 특강을 개설하오니 수강생 및 관심자 여러분의 많은 관심 바랍니다.

- 아 래-

1. 수업 일시

Using Peer Review Circles : 2018521() 13:00~14:30

Implementing Student-centered Language Instruction: 2018530() 19:00~20:30


2. 대 상: 2018학년도 1학기 과정생, 수료생, 관심자 모두 환영


3. 특강 주제 및 강사


Using Peer Review Circles by Todd jobbitt

: This workshop will give participants theoretical and practical guidance in the use of peer review for academic writing contexts. Attendees will participate in a Peer Review Circle, an idea developed by this presenter, which has been shown to help boost students' active listening and speaking skills while giving feedback on academic essays. Foundational concepts will be covered before looking at practical techniques. No writing is necessary as all materials will be provided.


Implementing Student-centered Language Instruction: Some Challenges and Suggestions

by Steven Adoranti

: While language teacher training programs these days tend to emphasize student-centered approaches, it is not uncommon for teachers to still have difficulty teaching this way. This special lecture highlights some of the challenges and struggles that teachers face when implementing student-centered language instruction, and suggests some guidelines and practical techniques for addressing them. Topics covered include the key characteristics of student-centered language teaching, task concepts, and classroom management. References to relevant research will be made throughout.


4. 강의실 : 본관 705


5. 수강신청: 본인의 이름, 학번, 전화번호, 수강희망과목을 기재한 후 교육원으로 E-mail (tesol@hufs.ac.kr)발송


6. 신청 기한

Using Peer Review Circles : 2018516() 15:00까지

Implementing Student-centered Language Instruction : 2018523() 15:00까지



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