글번호 : 34424357

작성일 : 14.01.21 | 조회수 : 524

제목 : [방글라데시] 야심만만한 춤꾼 Maleeha Mazen Khan 글쓴이 : 김평수
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

춤사랑을 위하여 For the Love of Dance


야심만만한 춤꾼 Maleeha Mazen Khan


방글라데시 인디펜던트 대학에 재학중인 칸은 영문학을 전공하고 있는 학부학생이다.  5살때 부터 부터 춤을 추었고 현재 공연예술적 커리어를 쌓고 있다.  

인도 고등위원회 문화센터가 주최하는 고전무용회와 여러 워크샵에 참여하였다.

한국 2012 여수해양박람회에도 참가하여 방글라데시 무용을 선보이기도 하였다.



Maleeha Mazen Khan is an undergraduate student of Independent University, Bangladesh, majoring in English literature. Maleeha has been dancing from a very young age and is currently pursuing a career in the performing art form.

Maleeha started dancing when she was only five. Although her inclination was towards music, in the hope of realising her mother’s dreams she and her sister started taking dance lessons.

“I started off at Sangeet Bhaban and took lessons in Bhratanatyam and Kathak from Belayet Hossain and Tahmina Islam. I never graduated from the school as I left the institution and took a long break.”

Maleeha then returned to the world of dance in 2006, with a performance in the dance-drama “Chitrangada”, choreographed by Samina Husein Prema and staged by Sunnydale School. She played one of the lead roles, Kurupa. “It took me a lot of courage to take on that role, since I had not been in touch with dance for a long time. Shortly after the performance, with encouragement from all my teachers and family members, I enrolled in the dance school Nrityanandan, and Chayanaut, at the same time. This time, I took lessons in a completely new dance form: Manipuri.”

She took lessons from Sharmila Banerjee for four years at Nrityanandan. Throughout those years, she had the chance to participate in several workshops on classical dance, organised by Nrityanchal and the Indian High Commission’s cultural centre.

With a desire to learn from videos of Indian classical dance, she came across one in particular — of Odissi. The softness of the dance form grabbed her attention. She immediately sought to learn the form and joined Bulbul Academy of Fine Arts (BAFA) to complete a diploma course. At BAFA, she started taking lessons in Manipuri dance from Warda Rihab and in Odissi from Benazir.

“My breakthrough was a performance at the Uday Shankar Festival in Kolkata were I took part in a dance-drama called “Hey Ananta Punya” as a Buddhist priestess, another important character that had very challenging choreography, that too in front of a very discerning audience. The dance-drama was produced by Shadhona and directed by Warda Rihab.”

It took her a while, but she soon realised that her body was most adaptable to Manipuri. She then joined Dhriti, a dance school run by Warda Rihab, and took part in a lot of dance-dramas, including “Tasher Desh” (as Ishkaboni) by Shadhona, choreographed by Warda Rihab.

“As part of the dance school, we gave several performances in the country and abroad on occasions such as Tagore’s 150th birth anniversary celebration in Delhi. We represented Bangladesh at the World Expo 2012 in South Korea. I look forward to dancing with a great trainer and an accomplished dancer, Warda Rihab. And I hope to give more time and full devotion to this art form even if my days are getting busier.”

사진 : Ridwan Adid Rupon

사진 : Ridwan Adid Rupon


출처 : 방글라데시 데일리 스타  (http://www.thedailystar.net/beta2/news/for-the-love-of-dance/)


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