글번호 : 146086895

작성일 : 20.11.05 | 조회수 : 231

제목 : Model European Union 2020 글쓴이 : eu-center
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.


  HUFS JMCE held the 'Model European Union 2020' on October 30 at Obama Hall in HUFS. It was cohosted with the Jean Monnet EU Centres of Yonsei University and Korea University. The undergraduates and graduate students from 16 universities participated in the Model EU executive meeting, as taking roles of EU commission representatives and the ministers for the environment under the theme 'Climate change'. 

  After the executive meeting, the students who were in the role of journalists performed the mock press conference as well. Due to the Corona situation, this year's Model EU had no audiences on the field but has invited the speakers, judiciaries, and 5 high school students. HUFS JMCE Director Kim Si-hong has delivered the Opening remarks and the EU ambassador to Korea Maria Castillo Fernandez has given the keynote speech at the Opening Ceremony. 

  At the end of the day, HUFS President Kim In-chul and the deputy head of the EU delegation John Bogaerts gave congratulatory remarks at the Closing Ceremony, followed by the award ceremonies. 





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