글번호 : 176808250

작성일 : 23.08.17 | 조회수 : 117

제목 : Open lecture in cooperation with Dongdaemun-gu City 글쓴이 : eu-center
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HUFS Jean Monnet EU Centre, in cooperation with the Dongdaemun-gu Lifelong Learning Center, held a special lecture on the theme of ‘Understanding of European Society and the Flow of European Culture’. This lecture, which was held as part of the university-linked program, was held on July 10th, 12th, 17th, and 19th in the form of a global humanities themed special lecture.

The first lecture was given by Professor Kim BongChul, managing director of the HUFS Jean Monnet EU Centre, with the theme of ‘Understanding European Society and the Story of Europe’. The second lecture was given by Professor Lee MooSung of Myongji University on the theme of ‘Integration and obstacles in European history’. For the residents of Dongdaemun-gu, the overall understanding of Europe was improved and the history of European integration was briefly explained. The lectures were conducted to enhance the general understanding of Europe and to understand the history of European integration for the Dongdaemun-gu residents who attended.

The third lecture was given by Professor Gu JiHoon of Changwon National University on the theme of 'European culture's individuality and cultural flow', and the fourth lecture was given by Researcher Shin EuiChan of the EU Institute at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies on the subject of 'The present and future of European society'. Based on topics of interest to the general public, such as art and sports, this lecture provided an opportunity to increase interest and interest in Europe.

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