글번호 : 27450171

작성일 : 13.08.13 | 조회수 : 216

제목 : 15th “Meet the EU” Lecture 글쓴이 : eu-center
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

Date: 8 December 2012

Venue: Artist House, Daehangno, Seoul

Speaker: Ms Camilla Larsson, Curator of Strindberg Museum


Ms. Camilla Larsson, Curator of Strindberg Museum gave a lecture “Strindberg the Playwright”. Pertaining to her job, Ms. Camilla gave a lecture related to Strindberg’s life and his artistic characteristics. During the lecture, she provided brief information of Strindberg and his life. Next, she explained Strindberg’s work of art and implicative meanings behind his works. She described Strindberg as a pioneer and innovator in that time. As examined about Strindberg, participants understood about his artistic life in Sweden and influence in Europe by his works.

After the lecture, Ms. Camilla Larsson answered questions from the students about more detailed information about Strindberg and also about her job as a curator. 

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