글번호 : 39974795

작성일 : 14.06.02 | 조회수 : 196

제목 : 2014 EU-Korea Caravan Event 글쓴이 : eu-center
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.



1. Date : Thursday, 3rd of April 2014 (15:30)

2. Venue: International Building, Second floor Aekyung Hall


On Thursday, 3rd of April 2014, HE Tomasz Kozlowski, EU ambassador to Korea and HE Kim Chang-Bum, Korean ambassador to EU in Belgium provided a special lecture focused on 'The Future of EU-KOR strategic partnership'

Cooperative relationship between Korea and EU, significance of South Korea-EU FTA and Europe's awareness about Korea were dealt with, and followed by questions and answer session. President Park Geun-Hye's visit to Europe as well as overall contents of Korea-EU FTA, together with political and economic ties between two countries were discussed and evaluated. During the Q&A session, a close look on relations between Korea and EU on education, science and technology, eEnergy, climate change and FTA was taken in details. The event was very popular and gather large audience consisted of students, faculties and outside public.

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