글번호 : 47951641

작성일 : 14.12.01 | 조회수 : 225

제목 : 31st 'Meet the EU' 글쓴이 : eu-center
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

HUFS – HRI EU Centre invited Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary who became special guest on ‘31st Meet the EU’ lectures program that took place on November 27th, at 3pm in Aegyoung Hall in International Building at HUFS Seoul Campus. Prime Minister Orbán delivered his speech under the title title: “Hungary and Europe in a changing world”. He emphasized the importance of Hungary-Korea partnership among emerging challenges in more and more globalized world. After the speech many students participating in this event stimulated Q&A session.  






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