글번호 : 38412524

작성일 : 14.04.23 | 조회수 : 258

제목 : The 27th Meet the EU 글쓴이 : eu-center
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

The 27th Meet the EU Special Lecture

• ▶Speaker: Professor Patrick A. Messerlin, Sciences Po, Paris
• ▶Title: Trade, Climate Change and Water: a “Grand Coalition”?
• ▶Date: April 25 (Friday), 2014, 11:00
• ▶Venue: Cyber Building, 306


Patrick A. Messerlin is a professor of economics at Sciences Po. He has also been the director of the Paris-based think tank Groupe d’Economie Mondiale at Sciences Po (GEM) since its creation in 1998. Since 2006, he has been the chairman of the steering committee of ECIPE (European Center for International Political Economy) based in Brussels. His current research deals with WTO issues, EC commercial policy, services liberalization, and the associated “Better regulations” initiatives. From 2001-02, Prof. Messerlin was a special advisor to WTO Director General Mike Moore. From 2003-05, he served as co-chair of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals Task Force on Trade for Development. Since 2008, he has served as co-chair of the joint World Bank & U.K. Department for International Development Task Force on Global Finance and Trade Architecture.

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