글번호 : 53929728

작성일 : 15.03.24 | 조회수 : 586

제목 : Tokyo University of Foreign Studies:Summer Program 2015 글쓴이 : 일본어통번역학과
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.



동경외대 Summer Program 및 장학금 안내입니다.

하기 내용 및 영문 안내 참고 바랍니다.


1. JASSO GPA 기준 학기

    학생 성적표상 최근 2개 학기 성적 기준


2. JASSO 장학금 결과 발표

    4월 중 발표 예정


3. JASSO 장학금 신청 기한

     PDF 파일에는 3월 15일로 안내되어 있는데, 4월 1일입니다.  


4. 지원서 제출

    학생이 개별적으로 지원서 제출하면 됩니다.






Tokyo University of Foreign Studies:Summer Program 2015


Dear Partners,

Greetings from Tokyo University of Foreign Studies!

We are pleased to announce that TUFS Short Stay Summer Program is now selected for a JASSO Scholarship.
The eligible 35 students will be able to get the scholarship.
Attached is the eligibility requirements and how to calculate JASSO GPA.
JASSO GPA 2.3 is one of the requirements for being awarded the scholarship.

The application deadline for TUFS Short Stay Summer Program is only a few weeks away :April 1, 2015.
We recommend the students to apply for the program as soon as possible.

This three-week intensive program is aimed at learners of the Japanese language
who are currently enrolled in our partner universities, and we offer two courses
-Business Japanese and General Japanese.

Please visit our website below for more details, which includes a leaflet for the program.
(English) http://www.tufs.ac.jp/english/intlaffairs/exchange_in/sssp.html
(Japanese) http://www.tufs.ac.jp/intlaffairs/exchange_in/sssp.html

We would appreciate it if you could forward this information to your students who might be
interested in studying in Japan and encourage their participation.

If you have any inquiry regarding this program, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you in advance. We look forward to welcoming your students to TUFS.

Best regards,

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