글번호 : 145399125

작성일 : 20.10.20 | 조회수 : 217

제목 : KUIS EXCHANGE MEETING 글쓴이 : 일본어통번역학과
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.
칸다외국어대학교에서 10월 30일, Session 1에서 한국외대 일본어 전공 학생들 중 웹을 통해 아래와 같이 할로윈에 대해서 서로 의견을 교환하는 행사를 계획하고 있습니다.
관심 있는 학생들의 많은 참여 부탁드립니다. 
  Date    Friday, October 30th 
Session 1 (Asian and Oceanian region) : 02:50 PM - 04:20 PM (Japan time)  
Session 2 (European region) : 04:30PM-06:00PM (Japan time)

  Discussion topic    Halloween
After the brief introduction from KGA students, participants will be divided into a small group (using the Zoom Breakout session) and talk about Halloween in your country.
You will join 2 groups each 30 min. After the group discussions, share what they have learned and what they have found interesting. 
  Objective   To understand the difference and characteristics of the Halloween culture in each country through practicing Japanese and English. 
  Language   Japanese /English
  How to apply?  
Please fill in the application form  below; 
Session 1 (Asian and Oceanian region)  https://forms.gle/Zc3z13aqaqRWAcro8
Session 2 (European region)  https://forms.gle/jJBYzXLdzxTcePPo8
The form will be closed once the number of participants reaches the limit (15 students). 
We will send the participants the link to the Zoom Meeting by the day before the event.  
  Any questions?  
Please feel free to contact: international@kanda.kuis.ac.jp


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