번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수 파일
22 Publication: 『Selected Issues in the EU-Korea Relations 』   eu-center 2019-11-05 266 파일아이콘
21 Publication: 『Korea-EU Relations』   eu-center 2019-11-05 291 파일아이콘
20 HUFS JMCE Senior Working Paper Series   eu-center 2019-11-05 270 파일아이콘
19 The Journal of European Union Studies Vol.44-52   eu-center 2019-11-05 302 파일아이콘
18 EU-ASEAN 40. What Next and Implications to NAPCR   eu-center 2018-11-25 339 파일아이콘
17 Linking labor standards and trade comparative analysis   eu-center 2018-07-05 248 파일아이콘
16 Dealing with a nuclear North Korea   eu-center 2018-07-05 255 파일아이콘
15 The EU's Pivot to Asia as an Indenpendent Security actor ?   eu-center 2018-07-05 240 파일아이콘
14 NAPCR and Korea-EU Relations   eu-center 2018-07-05 255 파일아이콘
13 The Pillars of the Bilateral Legal Infrastructire for the Evolving Process of EU Korea Relations   eu-center 2018-07-05 241 파일아이콘
12 EU and North Korea an spiral ontological security seeking activities   eu-center 2018-07-05 231 파일아이콘
11 Promoting Security Cooperation and Trust Building in Northeast Asia   eu-center 2017-11-01 369 파일아이콘
10 EU Global Strategy and EU-Korea Relations   eu-center 2017-09-11 262 -
9 The EU Global Strategy and the Prospects of European Defence Integration   eu-center 2017-09-11 219 -
8 NAPCI and Trilateral Cooperation   eu-center 2017-09-11 210 -
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