글번호 : 106742576

작성일 : 18.05.23 | 조회수 : 1018

제목 : [공지] International & European Studies - Fall Term Program 2018 - University of Tübingen 글쓴이 : 독일어과
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

안녕하세요, 독일어과 학과장실입니다.


튀빙엔 대학(University of Tübingen)에서 가을학기 어학연수 프로그램이 있어 다음과 같이 안내해 드립니다.

관심 있는 학생들의 많은 지원 바랍니다.

It is perfect for students who want to spend one, two or three months abroad.

It contains various topics which makes it even more accessible for students with a broad interest. A focus on one topic is also possible.


Fall Term Program

24 September – 14 December 2018 (3 modules, three topics)

Application Deadline: 31 May 2018

ECTS credits: 22

Program fee:  1,600 EUR / 1,600 EUR / 2,000 EUR (all modules 4,800 EUR)


Module 1

Politics (7 ECTS)

24 Sept - 17 Oct 2018


• The Political System of the 

   EU and its Politics




1,600 EUR


Module 2

Human Rights / Law (7 ECTS)

22 Oct - 17 Nov 2018


• Principles of European and EU Law

• European Politics of Human



1,600 EUR


Module 3

Economics / Culture (8 ECTS)

19 Nov - 14 Dec 2018


• Regional economic integration –

   the case of the EU

• Religion and the Challenge of

   European Identity


2,000 EUR



Students can choose one module or more. They receive a discount by choosing all three modules.

Each module consists of courses which include study trips to relevant places such as parliaments, courts and financial institutions in Berlin, Strasbourg and Frankfurt.


All modules include German language courses covering different proficiency levels.


The program fee includes courses, course material, study trips, accommodation as well as social and cultural activities. Financial support is available.


If you have any uncertainties, please do not hesitate to visit www.uni-tuebingen.de/european-studies.



독일어과 학과장실

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