글번호 : 111607547

작성일 : 18.09.20 | 조회수 : 7510

제목 : [공통][Instructor] 2018 Online Human Rights · Gender Equality Education (Violence Prevention Education) 글쓴이 : 성평등센터
첨부파일 첨부파일: 붙임2. Education Procedure(For Faculty-englsih).pdf

[Instructor] 2018 Online Human Rights · Gender Equality Education (Violence Prevention Education)



Hello. This is Gender Equality Center in Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS). 

To create a gender-equal university, Human Rights · Gender Equality Education(Violence Prevention Education) using e-class is implemented as follows. We ask for your participation.


* Those who have not completed the course yet, please complete the course by referring to the announcement explained below


* As Gender Equality Education(Violence Prevention Education) is a compulsory education, a member must receive a prescribed education once a year or more

 - sexual harassment, sexual violence, prostitution, domestic violence prevention education each one hour, a total of

   more than four hours of education is required.

* A legal basis

 - Section 31 of the Fundamentals of Gender Equality Act

 - Article 5 of the preventive act of prostitution, protection of victim, etc.

 - Article 5 of the preventive act of sexual violence and protection of victim, etc.

 - the third clause of Article 4 of the preventive act of domestic violence and protection of victim, etc.

* Government evaluates public facilities such as universities on education performance and become a subject to Director-General special education, press announcement and field inspection if the performance is less.


- As Below -


1. Participants : Full-time instructors, Time lecturers, Non-professional instructors (Emeritus professors, Adjunct professors, Invited professors, Chair professors, Research professors)


2. How to complete education


 How to complete education

 Full-time instructors(Korean professor)

1. Must attend two faculty meetings for Violence Prevention Education(Feb, Aug)


2. e-Class Online Human Rights and Gender Equality Education (violence prevention training) completed (once a year)


3. Attend once faculty meeting for Violence Prevention Education(Feb or Aug) per a year + Online Human Rights and Gender Equality Education (violence prevention training) completed (once a year)

* Can choose one among those ways to complete education

 Full-time instructors(foreign professor),

 Time lecturers,

 Non-professional instructors

 e-Class Online Human Rights and Gender Equality Education (violence prevention training) completed (once a year)


 * If completed e-Class Online Human Rights and Gender Equality Education(violence prevention training) once on first semester of 2018, don't have to take it twice. 

3. Dates : April 30th, 2018(Mon) ~ December 31th, 2018(Mon) 23:59


4. Online Education Content Configuration

1) Consisting of total 4 video clips produced by Human Rights Center in Seoul National University

2) Formative evaluation(6 questions)


5. Procedure to take e-class(*refer to attachment)

 : HUFS website(http://hufs.ac.kr) -> HUFS Service -> Log-in (ID and PW) after clicking e-class -> Click ‘Human Rights·Gender Equality Education(Violence Prevention Education)’ from Special Course -> Click online lecture -> Participate (all 4 video clips) -> Conduct formative evaluation


* e-Class URL : http://eclass.hufs.ac.kr

* Learning hours are admitted only if a trainee clicks the button below the learning window after a lecture.

* Learning hours are admitted only if a trainee takes all 4 lectures.


6. Issuance of certificate

1) If you need a certificate, please send the following information by e-mail (gec@hufs.ac.kr).

   (We do not accept calls or visits)

 - Issuing information : name, employee number(ID), affiliation, contact(email)

 - Picking a recipient : ① Receiving a copy by email

                                ② Visiting office(Seoul Campus : GlobeeDorm 346 / Global Campus : Student Center 201-2)



7. Others

1) If you take violence prevention education (sexual harassment, prostitution, sexual violence, domestic violence) at other universities in 2018, you can substitute this training when submitting educational certificate issued by the relevant institution

   ① Due date and method of submission : until Dec 31st, 2018(Mon) 16:00 / e-Mail or Mail

   ② e-Mail address : gec@hufs.ac.kr

   ③ Postal address : 02450, Imun-ro, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul 107, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies,

                               Gender Equality Center, 346


8. Inquiry

1) Seoul Campus : 02-2173-3526, 3257

2) Global Campus : 031-330-4464~4466


September 2018

HUFS Gender Equality Center

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