글번호 : 150907897

작성일 : 21.04.06 | 조회수 : 4428

제목 : [모집] 2021 -1 한국관광공사 구미대양주 SNS기자단 5기 모집 / Recruiting 2021 KTO SNS Supporters 글쓴이 : 외국인유학생종합지원센터
첨부파일 첨부파일: 2021 구미대양주 SNS 기자단_모집공고문.pdf 한국관광공사_1-5-2_한글.jpg 한국관광공사_1-5-2_영문.jpg



We are recruiting KTO SNS supporters who love travel
and want to introduce various aspects of Korea to the world!

About Us
Korea Tourism Organization, abbreviated to KTO, is an organization of the Republic of Korea under the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. It is commissioned to promote the country’s tourism industry.

Who is eligible:
Foreigners from Europe, North and South America, Africa and Oceania living in Korea
* KTO will recruit KTO SNS Supporters from Asia and Middle East countries separately
High interest in Korean culture and active user of social media service (fluency in Korean preferred, not required)
Available to participate in FAM tours throughout 2021

Number of supporters recruiting
Total of 20

Period of activity
From April to December, 2021 (8 months approximately)

Recruitment Process &Schedule
Application Period: March 29 (Mon) ~ April 11 (Sun), 2021
1st Online Intervie- April 13 (Tue) ~ 14 (Wed), 2021
2nd Office Intervie- April 15 (Thu) ~ 16 (Fri), 2021
* To be informed in advance, individually
Announcement of the Result: Monday, April 19, 2021
Kick-off Ceremony &1st FAM Tour: Saturday, April 24, 2021
* Recruitment schedule is subject to change upon the circumstances

Covering tourist destinations through trips and missions organized by KTO
Production of contents (videos, photos, etc.) about the trip experiences
Participating in various promotional activities organized by KTO

A chance to travel around Korea throughout the year (Transportation, accommodation, and meals provided)
Opportunities to attend FAM tours and ceremonies organized by KTO
Rewards and prizes for outstanding contents
‘KTO SNS’ Participation Certificate (Upon completion of activities in full)
‘KTO SNS’ Supporters Press Card, welcome gift, etc.

Apply: https://forms.gle/6RLx823KUmKho4ob9

Contact information
Korea Tourism Organization Europe, Americas &Oceania Team
E-mail: ktosns2021@gmail.com



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