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작성일 : 21.09.27 | 조회수 : 5741

제목 : [Call for Participation] The 3rd Korea-India 2030 Forum 글쓴이 : 인도연구소
첨부파일 첨부파일: 3rd Korea-India 2030 Forum Application.docx

[Call for Participation] The 3rd Korea-India 2030 Forum

Greetings from the Institute of Indian Studies, HUFS, Korea!


The Institute of Indian Studies at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies will host the 3rd Korea-India 2030 Forum on 19th January, 2022.

This forum will give the opportunity for Korean-Indian youth to interact with one another and strengthen their ties.  

We invite participants for discussions from both Korea and India.


[Call for Participation] The 3rd Korea-India 2030 Forum

□ Date:19 January (Wed), 2022

□ Time: 13:00 (KST) / 9:30 (IST)

□ Venue: On-line / In-person (HUFS, Seoul)

□ Eligibility: All Indian and Korean youth interested in Indian/Korean Issues

□ Application Period: 27 September (Mon), 2021 - 7 November (Sun), 2021

 Notification of Acceptance to Participants: After 8 November, 2021

□ Presentation Topic: Current Challenges and Future Prospects of Indian/Korean Youth

  Topic 1: Youth in the Labour Market

  Topic 2: Youth and Political Participation

  Topic 3: Youth and Gender Issues

□ Inquiry: hkindia2030@naver.com/ 031-330-4849


*The forum will be held in English.

**The use of PPT is required for presentation (visual aids are highly recommended).

***Participants in India will attend online / Participants in Korea will attend in-person (This will be subject to change in response to COVID-19)

****Certificate of participation and souvenirs (B.A., M.A) / honorarium (Ph.D., researchers) will be given to participants who complete the entire forum.

* Institute of Indian Studies Website: http://www.southasia.or.kr/   


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