글번호 : 89861035

작성일 : 17.04.05 | 조회수 : 13947

제목 : Announcement of Position Vacancies for Fall 2017 (Foreign Faculty) 글쓴이 : 교무행정팀
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.
Announcement of Position Vacancies for Fall 2017 (Foreign Faculty)


1. Number of Positions by Departments and Fields

1) Seoul Campus





College of English Department of English Linguistics 1 English Writing/English Debating
College of Occidental Languages Department of Russian 1 Russian as a Foreign Language
Department of Portuguese 1 Brazilian Portuguese
Department of Dutch 1 Dutch Language
Department of Scandinavian Languages 1 Swedish Language
College of Oriental Languages Department of Thai 1 Thai Literature
Department of Vietnamese 1 Vietnamese Linguistics
Department of Hindi 1 Hindi Language/Literature
Department of Mongolian 1 Linguistics(Mongolian)
College of Chinese Division of Chinese Language, Literature and Culture 2 Chinese Language and Literature
Division of Chinese Foreign Affairs and Commerce 1 Chinese Business Management
College of Japanese Division of Japanese Language, Literature and Culture 1 Japanese Education
College of Business Business Administration Division 1 Marketing
College of Education Department of French Education 1 French Pedagogy
Foreign Languages Education Center 1 Communcative English
(Ph. D. holders in English Linguistics,
English Literature, English Interpretation,
or English Education Preferred)
Total 16  


2) Global Campus (Yong-in)





College of Interpretation and Translation Department of Italian Interpretation and Translation 1 Italian
Department of Chinese
Interpretation and Translation
1 Chinese Language and Literature
Department of Malay-Indonesian Interpretation and Translation 1 Malaysian Language and Literature
Department of Thai Interpretation and Translation 2 Thai Linguistics and Literature
College of Central and East European Studies Department of Czech and Slovak Studies 1 Slovak Language
Department of Hungarian 1 Hungarian Language
College of International and Area Studies Division of African Studies 1 Zulu
Department of Indian Studies 1 Hindi
Department of Korean Studies 1 Korean Studies (Social Sciences,
Cultural Studies, Media Studies)
College of Engineering Division of Computer and Electronic Systems Engineering 1 Computer Engineering
Total 11  


3) Graduate school





Graduate School of Interpretation and Translation Department of Korean-Russian 1 Interpretation and Translation (Korean-Russian)
Graduate School of International and Area Studies Department of Korean Studies 1 Korean Studies
Graduate School of TESOL Department of ELT Contents Development(ELTCD) 1 TESOL
Total 3  


2. How to Apply

○ To submit required application documents to the appropriate department :

Contact the departments with your vacant position of interest for all inquiries and document submission(including submission deadline). Please refer to the contact information below.

※ Application documents should be submitted by early May, 2017. The exact date of deadline varies by departments.


3. Qualifications

○ Unless otherwise stipulated, all appointments are valid for one year, renewable year to year.

○ All applicants in language departments require a Master's degree and 2 years of teaching experiences in universities. All applicants in non-language departments require a Ph.D. degree in their field of specialization. (Exceptions may apply.)


4. Research Grant

○ Research grants and incentives are provided for research articles published in domestic(journals accredited by National Research Foundation of Korea) or international general journals. An additional grant is also provided when the article is published in a prominent* international academic journal.

* Prominent journals listed on the database published by the Institute for Scientific Information, Inc. (ISI)

○ Significant incentives are provided for professors who write the journals at the level of SCI(E) and above.


5. Accommodations

○ Dormitory or housing for foreign professors(single room or family room) is provided.
<exception>Faculty members of Foreign Language Education Center will be provided housing support.


6. Contact Numbers

Seoul Campus

- Department of English Linguistics : 02-2173-2266

- Department of Russian : 02-2173-2284

- Department of Portuguese : 02-2173-2287

- Department of Dutch : 02-2173-2288

- Department of Scandinavian Languages : 02-2173-2289

- Department of Thai : 02-2173-2299

- Department of Vietnamese : 02-2173-2300

- Department of Hindi : 02-2173-2301

- Department of Mongolian : 02-2173-2415

- Division of Chinese Language, Literature and Culture : 02-2173-2296

- Division of Chinese Foreign Affairs and Commerce : 02-2173-2295

- Business Administration Division : 02-2173-2334

- Department of French Education : 02-2173-2343

- Foreign Languages Education Center : 02-2173-2124, hufsflec@hufs.ac.kr

- Graduate School of Interpretation and Translation

ㆍDepartment of Korean-Russian : 02-2173-2435

- Graduate School of International and Area Studies

ㆍDepartment of Korean Studies : 02-2173-2449

- Graduate School of TESOL

ㆍDepartment of ELT Contents Development(ELTCD) : 02-2173-3522


Global Campus(Yong-in)

- Department of Italian Interpretation and Translation : 031-330-4214

- Department of Chinese Interpretation and Translation : 031-330-4232

- Department of Malay-Indonesian Interpretation and Translation : 031-330-4238

- Department of Thai Interpretation and Translation : 031-330-4240

- Department of Czech and Slovak Studies : 031-330-4220

- Department of Hungarian : 031-330-4222

- Division of African Studies : 031-330-4242

- Department of Indian Studies : 031-330-4244

- Department of Korean Studies : 031-330-4217

- Division of Computer and Electronic Systems Engineering : 031-330-4268



2017. 4.


Hankuk University of Foreign Studies


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