글번호 : 175417900

작성일 : 23.06.08 | 조회수 : 2388

제목 : 2023 Model European Union (EEAS Link) 글쓴이 : EU연구소
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

On May 25-26, the Model European Union was successfully hosted by the Delegation of the European Union (EU) to the Republic of Korea (RoK) on occasion of the 60th anniversary of EU-RoK diplomatic relations. The simulation of the Council of the European Union was co-hosted by the three Jean Monnet EU Centres of Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS), Yonsei University and of Korea University.

The simulation of the Council of the European Union took place with 48 students from 12 universities across South Korea. 43 of these talented students participated as EU Member States and presented their position on Climate Action and Digital Cooperation, two global issues in which mutual efforts play such an important role. The simulation was a beneficial opportunity to experience an organizational system that listens to various positions, adjusts disagreements, and reports results. 5 students took over the role of members of the press corps, writing articles during the simulation , conducting interviews with the participants and attending media briefings during the two days.

The three winners who received the opportunity to participate in a two-week summer school in Belgium are Chang Min Lee from HUFS, representing the European Commission in the simulation on Digital Cooperation and Sungbin Na from Kyunghee University representing Sweden and Minseo Kim, from Ewha Women's University representing Denmark in the simulation on Climate Action.

The special awards given by the Jean Monnet EU Centres went to Alland Dharmawan and Jungmin Kang from Yonsei University, representing Italy and Luxembourg in the simulation on Climate Action and to Seulyi Yoon from Korea University who played the role of a journalist in the simulation on Digital Cooperation.

The Model European Union simulation provides opportunities for students to experience European cooperation and learn more about the decision-making process.



Link: https://www.eeas.europa.eu/node/430227_ko?s=179


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