Article No. : 7963813

작성일 : 11.09.08 | 조회수 : 120

제목 : 1996. Building a Korean on-line dictionary adequate to parsing systems Writer : 디코라
Attached file Attached file: There is no file attached.

Jee-Sun Nam 1996. Building a Korean on-line dictionary adequate to parsing systems. Rapport Technique N-50. Laboratoire d'Automatique Documentaire et Linguistique. Universite Paris 7. France.


*남지순 1996 파싱 시스템에 적합한 한국어 온라인 사전의 구축에 대한 문제. Rapport Technique N-50. Laboratoire d'Automatique Documentaire et Linguistique. Universite Paris 7. France.

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