글번호 : 71262193

작성일 : 16.02.25 | 조회수 : 534

제목 : 주한이탈리아상공회의소(ITCCK) 인턴 모집공고 글쓴이 : 이탈리아어통번역학과
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

관심있는 경우, 학과이메일 hufsitalia@gmail.com 으로 문의하시면 안내드립니다.

***This intern position is offered without payment. We’re looking for candidates who want to have experiences at overseas organization for 6 months.***

Job Description

The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Korea usually offers one or two internship positions for Korean and Italian people. The duration of the internships must be 6 months.

The main task of the trainees is to support the Chamber’s daily activities, mailing preparation, contacts with Korean enterprises and bodies as well as cooperate with the full time staff in the organization of events and projects carried on both in Italy and Republic of Korea by the ITCCK. The trainees will be fully integrated into the daily work of the chamber, having a chance to gain a substantial insight into special fields related to the Korean economy and the Italian-Korean business relations.

Job Requirements

1. Bachelor's degree (or graduate-to-be)

2. Fluent in Korean & English for both writing, dictating and speaking (Knowledge of Italian language is preferred)

3. Knowledge of MS Office


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