Article No. : 92549902

작성일 : 13.11.07 | 조회수 : 759

제목 : Finnish Government Scholarship Program Application Writer : 대학원
Attached file Attached file: 붙임1-1 Finnish Government Scholarship Pool.docx



2014 Finnish Government Scholarship





The Finnish Government offers scholarships of 3-9 months for Doctoral level studies and research at Finnish universities or public research institutes. The Finnish Government Scholarship Pool programme is open to young researchers from all academic fields. The scholarship cannot be applied for Master's level studies or post-Doctoral studies/research.

Very important: the Finnish Government Scholarship Pool programme application form is not an application for a study/research placement. It is merely an application for funding.

In order to be an eligible applicant for this scholarship, you must first successfully apply for a study/research placement at a Finnish university/public research institute- in other words, you must be at least provisionally accepted either as a visiting Doctoral-level student/researcher, or as a full-time Doctoral degree student. Please see section 'Doctoral Admissions' for information on how to apply for a Doctoral-level study or research placement in Finland.


▶ For further information on this program, please refer to the attachment.


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