글번호 : 121068648

작성일 : 19.05.03 | 조회수 : 490

제목 : 2019-1 TESOL전문교육원 특강 안내 글쓴이 : TESOL
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

TESOL전문교육원에서는 아래와 같이 특강을 개설하오니 수강생 및 관심자 여러분의 많은 관심 바랍니다. 



- 아             래 -



1. 수업 일시


Teaching Grammar: 2019515() 19:00~20:30


Student Peer Review for Academic Writing Classes: 2019520() 13:30-15:00


2. 대 상: 2019학년도 1학기 과정생, 수료생, 관심자 모두 환영


3. 특강 주제 및 강사


Teaching Grammar by Edward Povey 


: This special lecture will extend the topic of teaching grammar with principles, example lessons, and a framework for analyzing and organizing grammar activities. By the end of the class, participants should have a better idea about teaching grammar in a way that is communicative and focuses on meaning. 


Student Peer Review for Academic Writing Classes by Todd Jobbitt 


: This lecture teaches how to perform peer review for academic writing students, a process that boosts all four skills in a collaborative format. 


4. 강의실 : 본관 707호 


5. 수강신청: 본인의 이름, 학번(관심자 제외), 전화번호, 수강희망과목을 기재한 후 교육원 (tesol@hufs.ac.kr)으로 E-mail 발송 


6. 신청 기한


Teaching Grammar : 2019513일 (월) 까지


Student Peer Review for Academic Writing Classes : 2019516일 (목) 까지


* 신청기한 엄수* 







TESOL Professional Education Center is offering special lectures for HUFS TESOL students. 


1. Date& Time: 


Teaching Grammar: 2019. 5. 15 (Wed) 19:00~20:30


Student Peer Review for Academic Writing Classes: 2019. 5. 20. (Mon) 13:30-15:00 


2. Offered for: 2019-1 HUFS TESOL Students and alumni 


3. Subject & Lecturer 


Teaching Grammar: Prof. Edward Povey


Student Peer Review for Academic Writing Classes: Prof. Todd Jobbitt 


4. Location: Room #707, Main Building


5. How to apply: Please send an email to the HUFS TESOL (tesol@hufs.ac.kr) with your name, student ID number, telephone number and subject. 


6. Application deadline


Teaching Grammar: 2019. 5. 13 (Mon)


Student Peer Review for Academic Writing Classes: 2019. 5. 16(Thu) 



Thank you.

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