글번호 : 160009166

작성일 : 22.02.10 | 조회수 : 265

제목 : 2021-2 성적우수자 수기(일반TESOL 이가연 선생님) 글쓴이 : TESOL
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

In the same year when I decided to take the TESOL certificate program, I had just started my very first job as an English tutor. The more I taught, I felt the need to take the TESOL certificate program at HUFS to acquire more knowledge and materials of English education as well as networking with people that are in the same field including professors and turned out that this decision was the best deicision I've ever made in 2021. Honestly, this course wasn't easy because you need 110% effor and time to not only study, assignment, and deadlines but also to your classmates. From my experience with this, me and my classmates bonded amazingly which helped all of us to go through this past 4 months together. We are not competitors, we are your career supporters. We support and share our job experiences still even at this time, and I feel like we are our best friends now. This was the biggest achievement that I made from this course. I recommnend this course to someone who is sincere in their teaching and has willingness to learn just because it isn't like a course where you take it and done, you'll learn from various teaching methods, skills, materials, to testing. If it weren't our professors, I wouldn't have been here today right now. Throughout the course, they were always there for you. They were always easily accessable as needed and shared countless knowledes and resources. You'll be surprised to know how much you didn't know in teaching. There's also a time where you can express artistic side of you by creating worksheets, boardgames etc. This course literally was a rollercoaster for me, we had some weeks when it was more relaxing than the others and some weeks we had to present and micro-teach in front of classmates and professors. Although I didn't like the fact that I had to teach in front of everyone, but was so worth it. It stepped me up to become a better teacher instantly. When the course was almost to the end which I was waiting since I started the course, actually made me want to study more deeply in teaching. It motivated me more than when I started and couldn't wait to put all the resources that I got from the course in use. I now teach at an English academy, and if it weren't this course, I wouldn't have had confidence to apply for language academies. I truly thank all my professors from HUFS and classmates for big support and being able to be there for me when I needed. If you have doubt of becoming a language teacher, go for it, take this HUFS TESOL ceritificate but, make sure to put 110% of effort.  

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