글번호 : 162517918

작성일 : 22.08.25 | 조회수 : 454

제목 : 2022-1 성적우수자 수기(일반TESOL 장은서 선생님) 글쓴이 : TESOL
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

 I remember the first time I decided to enroll in this program. Even though I have been teaching my students for 5years, I encountered difficulties and personal limits that can’t be solved on my own. I wanted to approach my teaching career more professionally and more academically. This desire became more obvious and I concluded that I must have learned expertise in the specialized institution. Throughout the course, I was totally convinced that the HUFS TESOL course was the thing that I was really eager to take to improve myself.


 I can’t forget the first day of the class in HUFS TESOL. I was waiting for the first word from the professor, worrying how tough and academic topic would be introduced. However, the first topic was how we should distinguish ourselves as a teacher and as an individual. I felt like being respected as an own human being since teachers are usually demeaned to sacrifice and devote to their students in the Korean culture. Most inexperienced teachers, like me, can encounter the same issues: that we are so responsible that we are not able to take care of ourselves. But, nobody told us about this issue and any advice. Thanks to this advice, I could take care of myself, had positive influences on my students and also started to truly love my job.


 Throughout the TESOL program, I was given great opportunities to build practical and theoretical knowledge of teaching English as a second language. As I mentioned, in spite of having pretty much teaching experiences, I had some difficulties in making my young students who have already fully acquired their mother tongue to speak out English. During the semester, all inter-connected courses provided me a chance to win out this dilemma for myself. Methodology suggested various practicable methods for all different types of learners. Those methods became a solid foundation for my teaching. Based on the foundation, TELS provided the frameworks and practical skills that I directly apply to my class. I recognized the steps and the sequences of the learning process are much more crucial than I expected for both teachers and learners. Within the framework, material development afforded possible materials for the class. I realized that textbooks are not the only materials that I can utilize in my class. I could revise and adopt materials regarding objectives of the class that I design. I can’t forget the day I took a multimedia class to make my own website. I think multimedia is the most distinctively unique course compared to the other TESOL programs in Korea. I thought that HUFS is one of the most sensible institutions which rapidly reacts to the trends and changes in the field of education. Lastly, I could find a diverse way to assess and test my students through testing. Korean students are obsessed with the paper test. I am one of the teachers who are responsible to teach the next generation, I should put more effort into changing this atmosphere and try to utilize various testing skills for my students.


 Professors are always ready to be my guide and showed me the right direction and pat to walk on. They willingly have spent extra hours and shown special care to all of us in order to prepare us for the ‘real world’. Every time I faced problems, they encouraged me a lot in their own special way and shared examples of theirs. Most importantly, I am deeply appreciative that they pushed us to the edge of the cliff named tasks and homework. I am strongly trained against heaps of assigned works and it was a good drill to make us be ready to move on to the real world.


 Likewise, 4 months with HUFS TESOL was a never-to-be-forgotten day for me. I’ve learned practical and theoretical skills and frameworks about teaching English. But, more crucially, I’ve learned about being a teacher. I could establish my own identity as a teacher and started to look after and love myself. I could also build a network with my dear classmates. This program is not an easy course, rather, challenging. I had to manage a bunch of tasks, read English textbooks, workbooks and sometimes articles. Now I could say I could end up certifying this course because of my classmates.


 Lastly, Special thanks to the staff of HUFS TESOL for being helpful, and supportive at all times. The kindness and thoughtfulness you showed to all of us are much appreciated.

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