글번호 : 158437872

작성일 : 21.10.13 | 조회수 : 842

제목 : 벨기에 페스티벌 글쓴이 : 네덜란드어과
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

Dear all,


I hope you are doing well. As you might know, this year, we celebrate the 120th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Belgium and Korea. Throughout the year we organize(d) many different events, and are very proud to present you the Belgium Festival that will take place in Insadong, Seoul, from Thursday-Sunday 21-24 October 2021. The Belgium Festival is the official headline of the celebrations for the 120 years of diplomatic relations between Korea and Belgium.


While Belgium is certainly known for its waffles, the Belgian culture is rich in many other categories. The Belgium Festival is a special invitation to get a holistic taste of little Belgium: From more innovative beers to art, gastronomy, comics, fashion, lifestyle and music, the Belgium Festival will host notable artists, chef and personalities who will provide the larger Korean public with the opportunity to experience their works and talent for a period of 4 days in the cultural space KOTE located in the Jongro district, Seoul.


Due to the coronavirus situation and in order to respect all the hygienic measures in place (level 4), the activities will be accessible to visitors by reservation-only. Therefore, we encourage you to register through this link. Entrance costs KRW 10.000 per person.




한국-벨기에 수교 120주년을 기념하여 벨기에 대사관은 1 동안 다양한 행사를 개최해왔습니다.    가장 공식적인 수교기념 행사인 벨기에 페스티벌 2021 10 21()부터 24()까지 서울 인사동에서 열릴 예정입니다.


벨기에는 와플로 확실히 알려져 있지만벨기에 문화는 다른 방면으로도 굉장히 풍부합니다. “벨기에 페스티벌 벨기에라는 작은 나라의 전체적인 느낌을 체험하실  있는 특별한 행사입니다혁신적인 맥주부터 예술미식만화패션라이프스타일음악에 이르기까지서울 종로구에 위치한 문화공간 KOTE에서 4일간 벨기에 예술가요리사  다양한 인사들의 작품과 재능을 경험할  있는 기회를 제공해 드립니다.


코로나바이러스 상황으로 인한 방역수칙(4단계준수를 위해 예약제로만 입장이 가능합니다예약은  링크 통해 가능하며입장료는 1인당 1만원입니다.




벨기에 대사관 드림.

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