Article No. : 140848491

작성일 : 20.08.04 | 조회수 : 142

제목 : June Monthly Report Writer : 강지우
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[🌻June Monthly Report🌻]

Hello, this is the 16th DIS Student Council DIS-CO. We’re here with updates on the programs we’ve held and the expense that DIS-CO has made during June of 2020!

☑️DIS-CO Programs

1. June Cultural Event

: In order to lift up the spirits of DIS students during exam week, DIS Student Council sent out gift boxes! This month's topic was 'veganism'. In order to help reduce the stigma against veganism, we prepared a DIS tumbler, school magazine, and snacks that both vegans and non-vegans can consume for this month's cultural event to 60 students.

2. Thank You Challenge

: We expressed our deepest gratitude and respect to all healthcare workers and medical staff who are fighting the spread of COVID-19.

3. E-mail Requesting a Better Understanding of Absolute Evaluation

: We sent an e-mail to the dean of DIS asking for a better explanation of the absolute grading system temporarily introduced this semester.

-Absolute Grading System: System where the ratio of credit distribution can be determined at the discretion of the professor, rather than grading by setting the score cut line.

4. 2020 DIS Affiliation Discount

: In order to help DIS students enjoy different benefits, we have planned affiliation discounts with businesses in Imun-dong! (ING)

☑️ May Settlement of Account

-Gift Box Event (substitution for 1st sem. exam week 'snack events')

: Student Fee 620,800

☑️ June Student Council Conference Records

: Summer break conferences will be starting on July 8th.

<Planned Events for Student Council (Temporary Plans)>

- First Half of Year Feedback on Online Classes

- First Half of Year Feedback on DIS-CO Activities

- DIS Council of Academic Systems / Translation Team

- Planning Monthly Cultural Events

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