글번호 : 145035536

작성일 : 20.10.12 | 조회수 : 1174

제목 : [Graduation] Notice for 2020-2 Graduation exam 글쓴이 : 국제학부
첨부파일 첨부파일: Graduation+Test+Application.hwp 2020-2+Notice+for+DIS+graduation+exam.hwp

This is the documents for students who want to apply for the graduation exam of 2020-2.

Please submit to DIS office your 

<Attachment 1: 성적증명서Academic Transcript>, 

<Attachment 2: 이번 학기 수강 내역Statement of Enrollment for This Semester>,

<붙임Attachment 3: 졸업 외국어 인증을 위한 성적표 Foreign Language Test Result for Graduation> and graduation exam application form.

*The certificate documents can be different depending on each condition.
So, please check the
[Curriculum]-[Graduation Requirements] in details.


*application form for the graudation can be summitted by e-mail, scanned.

DIS TA e-mail: hufsdista@gmail.com

You can visit DIS office 9:00~15:00 (lunch time 12:00~13:00)

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