글번호 : 95444726

작성일 : 17.08.24 | 조회수 : 2115

제목 : Step 3. 제출승인서 (Presentation) 및 심사결과 보고서 글쓴이 : TESOL대학원
첨부파일 첨부파일: Form4) Portfolio_심사결과 종합보고서(1부)+심사의견서(3부).hwp Form3)졸업연구보고서(Portfolio)제출승인서.docx Form4)+Portfolio_심사결과+종합보고서(1부)+심사의견서(3부).doc

For the final presentation of the portfolio, students must submit the attached form 3(졸업연구보고서 제출승인서) after having it signed by their advisor.


Thus, students must submit:

1. Form 3 (제출승인서) - Fill in all blocks and have it signed by the advisor

2. 3 copies of the portfolio (spiral bound-스프링 제본)

3. Payment receipt of 90,000won(evaluation fee)* to Woori bank 1005-201-142404 (한국외국어대학교)

   - please make the payment under your name.


* Students who paid Research Tuition are exempted from 90,000won(evaluation fee).


On the day of the presentation, students must prepare the evaluation forms (Download Form 4 심사결과 종합보고서). 

Fill in all student information and title of the portfolio and submit it to the evaluators before your presentation.



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