글번호 : 146872091

작성일 : 20.11.23 | 조회수 : 794

제목 : [Scholarship] 2020 Fall Semester 2020-2 Student Welfare Committee Scholarship Notice (~ Nov. 27) 글쓴이 : international
첨부파일 첨부파일: Form1. Welfare committee scholarship application form.docx Form2. 「International students type」 Letter of self-introduction.docx

2020 Fall Semester 2020-2 Student Welfare Committee Scholarship Notice (~November 27)


1. Purpose

Current National Scholarship is given in differential rate depending on one’s income quintile to ease the household burden. However, it is difficult to reflect the real difficulties students are suffering when selection is based on the income quintile.

HUFS Welfare Scholarship aims to solve difficulties that cannot be simply measured by income quintile and provide scholarship to students within more realistic selection criteria.

Other than the students who receive National Scholarship and other types of scholarships, to provide more opportunities for more students, we have subdivided the special selection to support students who are in need of support, compensation and scholarship in various fields.

The Student Welfare Committee hopes that many students apply and benefit from the scholarship. We will continue to support for student’s welfare. 

- Special Type :  International Students

: In HUFS, not only Koreans but also many international students are studying. We would like to encourage international students for worthwhile life in Korea and in academic performance.


2. Scholarship Amount & Openings

- Special Type ; International Students : 500,000~1,000,000 won, 00 people (exact number is unknown)

※ Scholarship for special type can be received as a living expense. Therefore, it can exceed the range of the tuition.

(Details of scholarship benefits can be found at HUFS main website> Web information system> Register/ Scholarship Information> Scholarship Record.)


3. Qualification for Application


A. 2020 Fall semester HUFS Seoul Campus Undergraduates

   (Students who haven’t registered for 2020 fall semester, students who are in leave of absence, students who enrolled 9 or more semester, and students who have received scholarship from Korean Student Aid Foundation’s national scholarship 2020 fall semester cannot apply)

* Due to the school scholarship policy, students in a leave of absence cannot apply

B. Grading criteria: Students who earned 12 credits or more in the previous semester and have achieved GPA of 2.5 or higher

※ Installment payment applicants: Students who paid tuition more than the amount of scholarship given can receive the Welfare Scholarship

※ Within the range of the tuition students can receive National·Academic Scholarship (double application is possible)


4. Special Type

1) Required documents for all

    A. Copy of scholarship application

    B. Copy of self-introduction

※ Students should write it following the form of the attachment!

※ International students can submit the form in English

(A4 2to 3 pages, free form, Students should state why one is an applicant that meets the purpose of the field. If additional documents are submitted, it will be reflected when evaluating.)

Ex) Language: Foreign language extracurricular, language certificate, or language programs etc. / Volunteering: Volunteer certificate, photos, or any reference that proves that one had done the activity / Exchange Program

   C. A copy of transcript


2) Required documents for each field

- International Students : Undergraduate who is enrolling HUFS at the moment (Certificate of Enrollment), Self-introduction (amount: A4 3 to 5 pages), Transcript, International Student Insurance Document, TOPIK certificate (optional), Certificate of activities done in school and in activities done in Korea (optional) etc.


5. Document Submit & Result Announcement

1) Submission Period : ~ November 27, 15:00 (12:00-13:00 lunch time)

2) Result: Announced individually later

* Due to the circumstances, announcement can be postponed

3) Where to submit: Office of International Admissions & Management (HUFS Historical Archives, Room 102, 02-2173-3270)

4) How to submit: Visit the office and submit in person

 - Address for post : Room 102, 1st floor, HUFS Historical Archives, 107, Imun-ro, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul, 02450, Korea (Office of International Admissions & Management))

- Submitted documents will be checked on the spot. Make sure to come in person to avoid any disadvantages later.


6. Further Details

1) Note

  A. Welfare Scholarship application is attached at the end of the notice

  B. All the documents submitted will not be returned

2) Contact: HUFS Office of International Admissions & Management (02-2173-3270, globalhufs@gmail.com)

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