글번호 : 124252840

작성일 : 19.07.22 | 조회수 : 240

제목 : Meeting with EP consultants 글쓴이 : eu-center
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.


On May 1, Si-hong Kim, a Jean Monnet Chair Professor, HUFS, and Professor Yooduk Kang (LT Division), Professor Bongchul Kim(International department) held a luncheon meeting with consultants of the European Parliament. Dr.Sung-eun Shim of the National Assembly Research Service(NARS) and Park Joo-min, secretary of the EU Embassy in Belgium were also present. The EU side includes Michael Malovec, policy advisor of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, DG External Policies, Walter MASUR, administrator of Delegation for relations with the Korean Peninsula, Jorge SOUTULLO SANCHEZ senior policy analyst of DG for External Policies of the Union, Michael VANFLETREREN, Peter IDE-KOSTIC, administrators of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs.


On that day, the two sides held various discussions on the status and development of relations between Korea and the EU. Considering the Strategic Partnership between South Korea and the EU, they discussed the need to move toward separate activities of the the European Parliament's Delegation for Relations with the Korean Peninsula (DKOR) to the South and the North, and agreed that the biennial Korea-EU summit should be held on a regular basis every year, as is the case with Japan and China. They shared the view that parliamentary cooperation should be strengthened to exchange views on laws related to the Korea-EU FTA and increase bilateral development in the future.

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