글번호 : 94866179

작성일 : 17.08.07 | 조회수 : 361

제목 : Who is qualified for TESOL? 글쓴이 : 관리자
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

  • Four-year course university graduates (others admitted by the Ministry of Education and Science) or students scheduled to graduate in August 2015, or anyone with more than a BA or BS degree in an English-speaking country.
  • Graduates of more than a 4-year course at a university in English-speaking countries.
  • English teachers at present - private institute, elementary, middle and high school.
  • Those who have and interest in English.
  • Those with good TOEFL and TOIEC scores are given preferential treatment (TOEFL PBT 530 points, CBT 200 points, TOEIC 750 points and FLEX 610 score).
  • Applicants are required to submit the documents below, which will entitle them to an oral interview.
    • Application form
    • Certificate of University Graduation (or prospective graduate certificate)
    • Transcript
    • Certified English transcript (optional)

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