글번호 : 103045389

작성일 : 18.03.05 | 조회수 : 802

제목 : 2017-2 성적우수자 수기(입학식 Speech YL TESOL 이이정 선생님) 글쓴이 : TESOL
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

 2017-2 성적우수자 수기(입학식 Speech)






It’s my honor to be here to give welcome address to the new class of 2018 in one of the finest TESOL programs in Korea.

When I was asked to give this speech, I was worried of what I can tell you.

   But soon I found myself writing a script over the 3 pages filled with good memories with professors and classmate.  To make a long story short, the thing is that this course will not be easy but it will be interesting and meaningful in your life.

Now I’d like to tell you how to make your time in HUFS TESOL more meaningful. If you had any chance to meet a TESOL alumnus, you must have heard there is a key to success in this program. It is your own participation in class, warm cooperation with your classmates and full support from your family. Even though now it may sound like cliché to you, as one of graduates, I assure that it is absolutely true. I don’t’ think I need to expain why it is important again but I cannot miss out appreciating my 4 distinguished professors who helped us participate more and were always ready to give us wise answers that we even couldn’t think of.

 What I want to add earnestly is to set your personal goal and personalize every class.

   Before I started the course, I had been teaching English for 7 years and working as a director in an English academy for 2 years. So I had a lot of chance to talk about what the most ideal English education is. That led us to eager to find a better answer and want to verify what I was doing in class. Are you curious if I got the answer through this course? Yes, I made it. It doesn’t mean that I know the absolute solution to English education, of course. There is such a long way to go before mastering all the theories and various skills.

   But I attained my personal goal for this course. Through this program, I succeeded in establishing my own viewpoint of what principle works best for my class, what a teacher’s role is, how the students feeling should be dealt with and so on. Now I’m preparing my own place to teach kids and searching for the curriculum that best fits my point of view about English education.

If you want to be an English teacher after this course, keep in mind that professor’s questions in class can be the questions that you can be asked during a job interview in the futures as well as the elements of your beliefs in education. And take on your presentation and micro teaching in class like a mock teaching that is necessary to get a job as a teacher. I’m sure that this attitude will help you to devote yourself to the class and bear fruit in the end.

Wrapping up my speech, I hope my advice turns out to have helped you in your graduation ceremony 6 months later. When you start the first day of class, leave the shyness at your home and be brave to become the first one to answer and raise questions. This course is not easy but not that long, either. So don’t waste any of your classes and try to make it a stepping stone to move you one step forward to your own objective in the course.

Once again, I join everyone here in offering my sincere congratulations to all of the new class of 2018. Thank you.



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