글번호 : 133428304

작성일 : 20.02.21 | 조회수 : 652

제목 : 2019-2 성적우수자 수기(YL-TESOL 장예림 선생님) 글쓴이 : TESOL
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

I had a most valuable time while studying here in HUFS YL-TESOL program. It helped me to step ahead to reach my goal as an English teacher. HUFS TESOL program is one of the well known school in Korea and my friend who have graduated YL-TESOL course in HUFS have recommended me to take this course.


Before the course I had no teaching experience nor any background knowledge about teaching English. However, I had a desire to teach young learners English. When I started the course I was pregnant and worried that would I be able to finish this course or not.


When the course have started I have realized that there were nothing to worry about. Although there were lots of assignments and sometimes stay up all night preparing for the practicum. But by adapting all the methods, skills that we have learned from the class prepared us to be a suitable teacher for the young learners.


Especially young learner centered teaching English in English was amazing. By interacting with the classmates helped us to gather all the creativeness to totally engaged into this course. The best things was many practices by presenting in front of the class was helpful. All this time was challenging but enjoyable.


When all the course ended I have felt that time flies. I have realized that I have a strong desire in me to teach young learners in the future. Couldn't imagine how have 16 weeks of TESOL program have passed. While studying at HUFS it have broaden our perspective of teaching young learners and made a valuable experience. I never regret of taking this course and I strongly recommend this program to all the people who want to teach English in the future.


Throughout YL-TESOL there were many times that we had to face challenges however all this time was worthwhile of learning. Unforgettable time in HUFS challenged me to overcome any kinds of difficulties and stand as a English teacher. Lastly, I want to express my sincere gratitude to all the professors, classmates and staffs. 

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