글번호 : 129903675

작성일 : 19.12.04 | 조회수 : 287

제목 : 에퀴닉스 그룹 채용 공고 글쓴이 : 영어대학
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

* 본 공고는 해당 단체의 요청에 의한 것으로, 영어대학의 의견이나 입장과는 무관합니다.







학력 : 초대졸 이상

Should be fluent in English





Customer Support
· Works and communicates with customers on policies and procedures, the facility and services
· Coordinates customer work visits with security and escorts customers and/or vendors as needed throughout data center
· Assists with tracking, following up, and reporting on customer inquiries and issues
· Builds relationships with customers

Orders Support
· Enters customer orders into ticketing system for order fulfillment
· Assists with invoice verification
· Assists with shipping inquiries including tracking packages, creating tickets, and locating shipments

Internal/External Contact
· Directs and/or sources inquiries to appropriate cross-functional teams (Care/Sales/Ops); serves as an on-site customer liaison
· Builds positive business relationships with local vendors (Hotel, Restaurant, Taxi, Catering) in support of Equinix customer needs


[기타 정보]

-채용형태 : 계약직

-수습기간 3개월



채용시 마감




지원링크 https://www.superookie.com/jobs/5de4d0988b129f585f20267f

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