글번호 : 131848937

작성일 : 20.01.17 | 조회수 : 1881

제목 : [캐나다 Universite de Montreal] International Summer Academy 글쓴이 : 국제교류팀
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.



본교 자매대학교인 캐나다 몬트리올대학교(Universite de Montreal) 에서 International Summer Academy 프로그램을 진행하기에 아래와 같이 안내 드립니다.  


-  아       래  -



1. 프로그램 : 해외계절학기(워크숍 in English) + 어학수업(French)

* 수강과목 확인 : 웹사이트 (여기를 클릭)


2. 대학소재지 : 캐나다 퀘벡 몬트리올(Montréal, QC)



3. 수학기간 : 2020. 7. 6 ~ 24 (총 3주)


4. 참가비용 :

   $2,000 CA (* 2/1까지 사전 등록 시)

   $3,000 CA (정규 등록 비용)



5. 프로그램 상세 :


Intended for students currently enrolled in a university program abroad, this three-week summer school is an opportunity for some thirty participants to broaden their knowledge of International Studies.


The program
Offered entirely in English, the program includes conferences, round tables, United Nations simulations and networking activities. The topics covered include:


 - Global trade and economy
 - Development and cooperation
 - Conflict and peace
 - Environment and sustainable development
 - Diversity and immigration
 - Artificial intelligence
 - French courses

Afternoons will be devoted to dynamic, stimulating French courses, which will focus on conversation and an introduction to Quebec culture. Participants will also be free to explore the charms of Montréal at their own pace during evenings and weekends.



6. 문의처    : 1) 홈페이지  https://admission.umontreal.ca/en/international-summer-academy/international-summer-academy/

                 2) 이메일     summer-academy@umontreal.ca

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