글번호 : 72377913

작성일 : 16.03.15 | 조회수 : 1469

제목 : 2016-1 ISO International Staff results 글쓴이 : iso
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

2016-1 ISO International Staff


ISO Office / Information Desk: at Minerva Complex (the Underground Campus) B1-01

ISO President: Youngjin Cho 010-2548-3054

ISO Vice President: Krystal Kwon 010-2787-5892

Homepage: http://iso.hufs.ac.kr / SNS: http://www.facebook.com/HUFSISOSEOUL/





        Akira Nagao (Japan)

        Alessandro Sereni (Italy)

        Anastasha Sokolova (Ukraine)

        Diego Ivan Felix Lopez (Mexico)

        Fabian Schnorer (Germany)

        Giacomo Sebis (Germany)

        Jesica Yunuen Rojo Balderas (Mexico)

        Leonie Werner (Germany)

        Livia Alice Dolle (Germany)

        Peter Do (Canada)

        Priscila Cordero (Mexico)

        Repishkova Tatiana (Russia)







* Thank you for applying to ISO international staff.

  We feel so sorry that we couldn't choose all of you.

  We are sure we can meet at other events. :D


* Congratulations for being an ISO staff for 2016-1 semester!


* Please attend ISO regular meeting 6:00pm in Humanities bldg 4F

  (on 16th March, at 1403/ every Wednesday 1403 )


* It is mandatory to participate in ISO workshop which is scheduled on 18~19th March.

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