글번호 : 121089912

작성일 : 19.05.03 | 조회수 : 330

제목 : [NOTICE] DIS Korean Proficiency Exam(NEW) 글쓴이 : 국제학부
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

Hello, this is DIS TA office. 


Regarding one of the graduation requirements issues, we brought good news for the foreign students whose TOPIK score certificate won't come out by the submission deadline date.

With the Dean's understading of your situations, we decided to give the last chance of allowing you to take the organized by DIS Office, and to be able to graduate on time as expected. 


The test will be held as follows:


Venue: Social Science Building 3106

Date: 2019.05.30. Thursday

Time: 07:30pm

Duration of the exam: 1 hr (so, punctuality is very important!)

Level of the test : equivalent to TOPIK level 4 or 5


This is the LAST CHANCE for the students without TOPIK level 4 to pass the graduation requirements(Korean Proficiency Test).

So, PLEASE make sure not to miss this opportunity and please study and prepare hard for the exam. 

"If you want to apply the exam, please come to DIS TA office and fill in application form"



If you have any questions regarding this test, please contact DIS Office(02-2173-3315) or send us an email(hufsdista@gmail.com).



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